© The Northern Independence Party 2023. All rights reserved.
Promoted by Suzanne Clifton on behalf of Billie Jo Gibson, Molly Tindle, and the Northern Independence Party
all at 10 Houghton Avenue, Warrington, WA2 7EQ.
Made in the North

Billie Jo Gibson
City Centre South
Meet Billie
Hiya! I'm Billie, and I believe in doing what's right for my local community.I'm a born and bred Scouser, raised in a working class family who struggled to afford the cost of living in Liverpool. We were that poor that we had to steal back our money from the coin-operated telly just to be able to put food on the table. It shouldn't surprise you to hear that I grew up in some of Merseyside's poorest neighbourhoods and lived in housing association homes for over 15 years, before returning to Liverpool to make it my permanent home.These days I have it better, and I'm now a Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union member, working in the hospitality sector on a Zero Hours contract.I'm telling you this so you know I'm for real when I say that all of us across the North, including people in better paid work than me, should be doing a whole lot better. We don't have to live like this.For too long, my fellow Scousers have been getting screwed over by the parties of Westminister. Whether it was Nick Clegg and David Cameron implementing Universal Credit, Keir Starmer voting in favour of the Bedroom Tax, or Rishi Sunak rejecting Liverpool City Council when we went cap-in-hand for the fabled "Levelling Up" cash, all of the Westminster establishment have shown their true colours.So long as we keep voting for the political parties of Westminster, nothing will change. Why should they treat us any better, when we always give them our votes?I don't know about you, but I'm fed up of the status quo. I've said enough is enough, and so I'm standing to represent you as a candidate of the Northern Independence Party. I believe the whole North can be a better place to live, and welcoming to all.I know Liverpool has serious problems, and I know it takes a united front across the North to address them. But in the short term, there are things I want to focus on, starting with the mismanagement of our council's funds, the cost of living crisis, and supporting the most vulnerable in our city. A fresh voice on the council will do a lot to pressure the parties of Westminster, especially when I'm not from their clique.With your vote on Thursday the 4th of May, we can show the parties of Westminster that we see through their nonsense and that we're prepared to take control of our own futures. So please — loan me your vote, and I'll show you what we can do with it.Thanks for reading, and have a grand day.
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© The Northern Independence Party 2023. All rights reserved.
Promoted by Suzanne Clifton on behalf of Billie Jo Gibson, Molly Tindle, and the Northern Independence Party
all at 10 Houghton Avenue, Warrington, WA2 7EQ.
Made in the North

Meet Molly

Molly Tindle
Headingley and Hyde Park
Hello, my name is Molly, and I believe in Northern Independence.I grew up in the small town of Washington (just outside of Sunderland), then moved away to study in York, and now I’ve made my home in Leeds. You could say I'm a Northern girl through and through. 😊Leeds has been very good to me. Ever since moving in I've been met with honesty and compassion, and I've found a real community that is welcoming to everyone. I've made many friends, and quickly put down deep roots.I'm very lucky to have been able to make my home here. Like many others, I've seen friends and family forced to move far south in search of opportunity. And like many of us who have been able to stay, I've watched conditions slowly get worse across the North, with a crumbling health service, potholed and shuttered streets, and growing intolerance and fear spread by the national papers.But we don't have to live like this.I got involved in politics because I know that Leeds has a struggle in common with the rest of the North. We have great people and plenty of work to be done, but the wealth that should be making our lives betters is being siphoned away to London and the Home Counties.Leeds is a beautiful vibrant city, once a beacon of Northern industry, but it's now struggling. I joined the Northern Independence Party to put that right.We in the North must stand together, must stand up for ourselves against the political parties that make their homes in London. We must reject their caricatures of Northern simplicity and intolerance, and tell them we won't be patronised any more.Together, we will empower renters to secure good quality homes for fair prices. Together, we will provide more reliable public transport both within Leeds and connecting to the towns and cities beyond. Together, we will fight for you against the greed of energy companies.And together we won’t give in to the divisive rhetoric of fear.If you agree with what I believe in, then please give me your vote on Thursday the 4th of May. The parties of Westminster will only give us our fair share when we show them we see through their games by refusing to vote for them. It's time we took control of our own futures.Thank you for your time.
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© The Northern Independence Party 2023. All rights reserved.
Promoted by Suzanne Clifton on behalf of Billie Jo Gibson, Molly Tindle, and the Northern Independence Party
all at 10 Houghton Avenue, Warrington, WA2 7EQ.
Made in the North